
BIRD IUS Workshop

Welcome to the 1st Annual BIRD IUS Workshop

For the first time, BIRD is offering an intestinal ultrasound (IUS) course with a focus on inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) to its members.

As IUS is emerging as a non-invasive tool for monitoring disease activity in patients with IBD, BIRD wants to encourage and helps its healthcare professionals (HCPs) to gain specialist knowledge and some practical experience in this evolving field.

This IUS course is organized under the medical lead of the following BIRD members with extensive experience in IBD and IUS:

   - Prof. Dr. Bram Verstockt

   - Dr. Barbara Willandt

   - Prof. Dr. Aranzazu Jauregui Amezaga

   - Prof. Dr. Pieter Dewint

   - Prof. Dr. Catherine Reenaers

This course involves presentations, videos, hands-on sessions and case discussions. The BIRD members will learn about the basics of IUS and the role of IUS in diagnosis, follow-up of treatment, and complications in IBD.

The course consists of three educational moments:

- Introductory two-day on-site program: 9-10 Sept 2024 (Officenter Zaventem)

- First VIRTUAL return moment 7-9PM: Wednesday 30 Oct 2024 (Virtual)

- Second one day ON-SITE return moment: Tuesday 3 December 2024 (Officenter Zaventem)



Follow this link to see the program


Endorsed by the International Bowel Ultrasound (IBUS) group

The MDEON visa has been approved: 24/V2/14959/009530

RIZIV/CTG accreditation has been approved for a total of 19.5 credit points for the workshop:

Day 1: 24016107 (5 credit points)

Day 2: 24016108 (6 credit points)

Day 3: 24016228 (2 credit points)

Day 4: 24016110 (6.5 credit points)


The language of the course is English.  The course will be held for 12 participants; all BIRD gastroenterologists with interest in IBD care can apply.

All participants will receive a certificate of attendance. However, this course will currently not yet result in IBUS module 1 certification.

BIRD is looking forward to this first IUS course.



Prof. Dr. Bram Verstockt

Dr. Barbara Willandt

Prof. Dr. Aranzazo Jauregui Amezaga

Prof. Dr. Pieter Dewindt

Prof. Dr. Catherine Reenaers


We are grateful to our sponsors that make this workshop possible:

GOLD sponsors